27 / 28 February 2014, Fondation Brocher, Geneva
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Organized by Lukas Engelmann and Janina Kehr
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The treatment and control of coinfections is a key element in the field of global health. As multimorbidity becomes a growing focus in the care of long-time chronic diseases in the North, coinfections receive increased attention mainly in the South. Not only does this pose a novel challenge to pharmaceutical development and public health intervention, but it also brings up pressing questions concerning medical care, health policy making and social and individual experiences with infectious and chronic disease.
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The Symposium brings together historians, anthropologists and sociologists that have been researching on single diseases – tuberculosis or HIV/AIDS – with public health professionals that have addressed both diseases in their everyday practice for the last ten years. It will formulate new research questions and start to develop a methodology to understand coinfections and their control as entangled objects. The event shall thus be a starting point for a long needed methodological and epistemological debate on how to write histories and ethnographies of coinfections and/or multimorbidity in close dialogue with public health professionals to address practical problems in the field.
See the attached flyer for program, participants and further details.
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Please note that registration is obligatory (open until 15 January 2014)
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E-Mail: scientificprog@brocher.ch
OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Natct (December 11, 2013). TB/HIV: Distinct Histories, Entangled Futures. Towards an Epistemology of Coinfection. Anthropologie & santé mondiale. Retrieved January 25, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/mpom