Call for candidates: one-year fellowship at the Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale of the Collège de France (Paris)

The Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, based at the Collège de France in Paris, will hire a researcher for a one-year post-doctoral contract starting 1st January 2015 to study the perception of animal diseases in Australia.

This position takes part to the project « Social representations of pathogens at the frontiers between species », sponsored by the Axa Research Fund and led by Philippe Descola and Frédéric Keck. The goal of this three-year project is to compare the perception of animal diseases by breeders and health authorities in different parts of the Asia-Pacific area. In the course of this project, three positions will be available: Central Asia, South-East Asia and Australia.

Requirements :

  • Applicants must have been awarded a PhD before the start of the contract.
  • Language skills and expertise related to the area of concern
  • Experience in ethnographic description and comparative theory
  • Ability to engage in a collaborative research with publications and participation to scholarly activity
  • Knowledge in human/animal relationships and/or medical anthropology would be appreciated

In the framework of this post-doctoral contract, the applicant will :

  • Receive a 2100 euros net salary from 1st January 2015 to 31 December 2015
  • Benefit from the environment of the Collège de France : high-quality libraries, research seminars and teaching at the centre of Paris.
  • Have the financial means to do fieldwork in the area of concern under the tutorship of renowned experts of this field.
  • Acquire knowledge on animal diseases and participate to the activities of the team « Relations hommes/animaux : questions contemporaines » (
  • Organize a workshop to maintain the international network of the project created by the launching workshop : « Zoonoses and emergence of new infectious diseases : when biology meets anthropology »

Candidates must send before September 10 a CV, a sample of writing (article or PhD chapter) and a statement of suitability (less than 3000 words)

Contact : Frédéric Keck –  Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale – 52 rue Cardinal Lemoine – 75005 Paris –



OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Nathanaël Cretin (July 9, 2014). Call for candidates: one-year fellowship at the Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale of the Collège de France (Paris). Anthropologie & santé mondiale. Retrieved January 26, 2025 from

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