We are pleased to announce that the first full issue of Medicine Anthropology Theory (MAT) is now online at http://www.medanthrotheory.org
MAT is an open-access journal in the anthropology of health, illness, and medicine, publishing three issues each year of peer-reviewed articles, think pieces, photo essays, and book and film reviews. We also publish, on a rolling basis, a wide range of other content: essays and ruminations, conference reports, and teaching and learning materials. For more information about submissions, see: http://www.medanthrotheory.org/pages/submissions/
The protected lab. Securitization and spaces of exclusion in medical research in East Africa — Denielle Elliott
An embodied belonging. Amenorrhea and anorexic subjectivities — Karin Eli
Changing cartographies of health in a globalizing world — Ted Schrecker
‘Making known’ or ‘counting our children’? Constructing and caring for children in epidemic South Africa — Lindsey Reynolds
Medicine Anthropology Theory. An open-access journal in the anthropology of health, illness, and medicine — Eileen Moyer, Vinh-Kim Nguyen
Photo Essays
Mapping senses of place in an urban drug scene — Danya Fast
Think Pieces
Medical stratification in Vietnam — Martha Lincoln
How did we get here? ‘It does not require a big brain to understand.’ The ‘Greek Crisis’, care, and health care — Giorgos Kostakiotis, Deanna J. Trakas
Heaviness, intensity, and intimacy. Dutch elder care in the context of retrenchment of the welfare state — Barbara Da Roit, Josien de Klerk
No smoking within nine metres of discipline limits — Simone Dennis
When comparison comes first. Reflections on theory in medical anthropology — Alice Street
Book and Film Reviews
Powerless science? Science and politics in a toxic world — Janelle Lamoreaux
Abortion in Asia. Local dilemmas, global politics — Erica van der Sijpt
Migranten in tijd en ruimte. Culturen van ouder worden — Sjaak van der Geest
Child care in a globalizing world. Perspectives from Ghana — Cati Coe
Nieuw leven. Geboorte in fictie — Lianne Holten
Ik gebaar, ik leef. I sign, I live — Annelies Kusters
Life in crisis. The ethical journey of Doctors Without Borders — Pride Linda
The Alzheimer conundrum? Entanglements of dementia and aging — Jolanda Lindenberg
Mestizo genomics. Race mixture, nation, and science in Latin America — Abigail Nieves Delgado
The new Arab man. Emergent masculinities, technologies, and Islam in the Middle East — Fiona R. Parrott
Patients and agents. Mental illness, modernity and Islam in Sylhet, Bangladesh — Nasima Selim
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OpenEdition suggests that you cite this post as follows:
Nathanaël Cretin (December 10, 2014). Medicine Anthropology Theory: First Issue Online. Anthropologie & santé mondiale. Retrieved January 20, 2025 from https://doi.org/10.58079/mpq9