“Global Health: Anticipations, infrastructures, knowledges” seminar 2014-2015

The framing of health as a global issue over the last three decades has carved out an intellectual, economic and political space that differs from that of the post-war international public health field. This older system was characterised by disease eradication Continue reading “Global Health: Anticipations, infrastructures, knowledges” seminar 2014-2015

Submissions to MAT journal

an open-access journal in the anthropology of health, illness, and medicine.

Submissions are invited for the following sections:

  • Articles

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Paris: Gerda Henkel Stiftung – FMSH – 2015

CallAs part of the partnership between the Gerda Henkel Stiftung and the Collège d’études mondiales, two post-doctoral grants will be awarded, for a period of 12 months, to two young researchers living outside of France.

The Collège d’études mondiales is a center of exchange and reflexion for researchers in the Social Sciences and Humanities. The institution faces head-on the methodological, epistemological and conceptual changes demanded of those who interpret contemporary phenomena. Continue reading Postdoctoral Fellowship in Paris: Gerda Henkel Stiftung – FMSH – 2015

Postdoctoral Fellowship in Paris: Fernand Braudel – IFER

Fernand Braudel – IFER Fellowships | Call for applications september 2014

Two post-doc fellowships are offered at the Collège d’études mondiales in Paris  in connection with the Fernand Braudel incoming program.Applicants must have a PhD and reside outside France and belong to a non-French research institution (university, academy of sciences, or other research organism). To apply please contact the Collège d’études mondiales scientific coordination: sara.guindani-riquier@msh-paris.fr & nathanael.cretin@msh-paris.fr. Continue reading Postdoctoral Fellowship in Paris: Fernand Braudel – IFER

La Personne en médecine

Colloque organisé par le programme pluridisciplinaire Sorbonne Paris Cité : “La Personne en médecine”

Mercredi 16 juillet 2014 de 9 h à 14 h 40


Responsables : Céline Lefève (Centre Georges Canguilhem/SPHERE/Institut des Humanités, Paris Diderot) et François Villa (CRPMS, Paris Diderot), porteurs du Programme.

Argumentaire :

Parce qu’elle est un art au carrefour de plusieurs sciences, biomédicales et sociales,  s’inscrivant dans l’histoire et la société, la médecine requiert des recherches pluridisciplinaires. Les évolutions médicales contemporaines rendent indispensable une nouvelle alliance entre Continue reading La Personne en médecine

Call for candidates: one-year fellowship at the Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale of the Collège de France (Paris)

The Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale, based at the Collège de France in Paris, will hire a researcher for a one-year post-doctoral contract starting 1st January 2015 to study the perception of animal diseases in Australia. Continue reading Call for candidates: one-year fellowship at the Laboratoire d’anthropologie sociale of the Collège de France (Paris)