Un nouvel artice de Vinh-kim Nguyen intitulé “Un monde sans sida ?” vient de paraître dans l’ouvrage collectif La science en question(s), dirigé par Michel Wieviorka.
Un nouvel artice de Vinh-kim Nguyen intitulé “Un monde sans sida ?” vient de paraître dans l’ouvrage collectif La science en question(s), dirigé par Michel Wieviorka.
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer la sortie de l’ouvrage collectif La médecine du tri. Histoire, éthique, anthropologie sous la direction de Guillaume Lachenal, Céline Lefève et Vinh-Kim Nguyen, paru chez PUF dans la collection Science, Histoire & Société.
Continue reading La médecine du tri. Histoire, éthique, anthropologie
Vient de paraître : Patients contemporains, Anthropologie & Santé [En ligne], 8 | 2014. Numéro coordonné par Eve Bureau et Judith Hermann-Mesfen.
O Dewachi, M Skelton, V-K Nguyen, GA Sitta, Z Maasri, R Giacaman. Changing therapeutic geographies of the Iraqi and Syrian wars. Lancet 2014; 383 (9915): 449-457. 2013.
Continue reading Changing therapeutic geographies of the Iraqi and Syrian wars
Sicotte M, Ledoux M, Zunzunegui MV, Ag-Aboubacrine S, Nguyen V-K. Reliability of anthropometric measures in a longitudinal cohort of patients initiating ART in West Africa. BMC Medical Research Methodology 2011; 10:102. Continue reading Reliability of anthropometric measures in a longitudinal cohort of patients initiating ART in West Africa
Pirkle CM, Nguyen V-K, Ag Aboubacrine S, Cissé M, Zunzunegui MV. Socio-demographic correlates of late treatment initiation in a cohort of patients starting antiretroviral treatment in Mali, West Africa. AIDS Care. 2011; 23(11): 1425-1429.
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Continue reading Socio-demographic correlates of late treatment initiation in a cohort of patients starting antiretroviral treatment in Mali, West Africa
Haidara A, A Chamberland, M Sylla, SA Aboubacrine, M Cissé, HA Traoré, MY Maîga, A Tounkara, V-K Nguyen, C Tremblay. High level of primary drug resistance in Mali. HIV Medicine 2010; 11(6): 404-411. Continue reading High level of primary drug resistance in Mali
Pirkle C, C Boileau, V-K Nguyen, N Machouf, S Ag-Aboubacrine, PA Niamba, J Drabo, S Koala, C Tremblay, S Rashed. Impact of a modified directly administered antiretroviral treatment intervention on virological outcome in HIV-patients treated in Burkina Faso and Mali. HIV Medicine 200910(3): 152-156.
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Continue reading Impact of a modified directly administered antiretroviral treatment intervention on virological outcome in HIV-patients treated in Burkina Faso and Mali
V-K Nguyen. Government-by-exception: enrolment and experimentality in mass HIV treatment programs in Africa. Social Theory and Health 2009 7(3): 196-222.
Disclosure of HIV serostatus remains an important tool for the prevention of new infections and early initiation of treatment for HIV-positive individuals’ regular sexual partners. Continue reading Gender-Related Factors Influencing HIV Serostatus Disclosure in Patients Receiving HAART in West Africa
Boileau C, V-K Nguyen, M Sylla, N Machouf, A Chamblerland, HA Traoré, PA Niamba, I Diallo, M Maiga, M Cissé, S Rashed, C Tremblay. Low prevalence of detectable HIV plasma viraemia in patients treated with antiretroviral therapy in Burkina Faso and Mali. JAIDS. 2008; 48 (4) 464-472.
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Continue reading Low Prevalence of Detectable HIV Plasma Viremia in Patients Treated With Antiretroviral Therapy in Burkina Faso and Mali
Sylla M, A Chamberland, C Boileau, HA Troaré, S Ag-Aboubacrine, M Cissé, S Koala, J Drabo, I Diallo, P Niamba, D Tremblay-Sher, N Machouf, S Rashed, D Nickle, V-K Nguyen, C Tremblay for the ATARAO Group. Characterization of drug resistance in antiretroviral-treated patients infected with HIV-1 CRF02_AG and AGK subtypes in Mali and Burkina Faso. Antiviral therapy. 2008; 13 (1) 141-8. Continue reading Characterization of drug resistance in antiretroviral-treated patients infected with HIV-1 CRF02_AG and AGK subtypes in Mali and Burkina Faso
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A dramatic increase in the use of antiretroviral drugs in Africa has increased focus on adherence to treatment, which has so far been equivalent if not superior to that in northern contexts. The reasons for this exceptional adherence are poorly understood Continue reading Adherence as therapeutic citizenship: impact of the history of access to antiretroviral drugs on adherence to treatment
Nguyen V-K. Attivismo, farmaci antiretrovirali, e riplasmazione del sé come forme di cittadinanza biopolitica. Antropologia 2006; 6 (8): 71-92. Continue reading Attivismo, farmaci antiretrovirali, e riplasmazione del sé come forme di cittadinanza biopolitica
Nguyen, VK. Sida, ONG, et la politique du témoignage en Afrique de l’ouest. Anthropologie et sociétés. 2002 ; 26 (1): 69-87
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Continue reading Sida, ONG, et la politique du témoignage en Afrique de l’ouest